Designing and managing safe public spaces

The Nice tool

Demandez Angela (Ask for Angela in English), aims to help anyone who feels unsafe or in danger and it gives them the means to access assistance quickly, easily and effectively.

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The Problem

The challenge lies in the occurrence of street harassment and the resulting sense of insecurity felt by individuals in public areas.

Demandez Angela aims to help anyone who feels unsafe or in danger and it gives them the means to access assistance quickly, easily and effectively. The tool is not gender-specific and aims to help all people who are or feel victims of street harassment or insecurity in public spaces. This is achieved through the use of a codeword that customers can use to discreetly identify themselves to staff as feeling in danger or being in an uncomfortable situation.

The staff member will then help the person get home discreetly and safely by either escorting them to a different room, calling them a taxi and escorting them to it, or by asking the other person to leave the establishment. Posters and stickers are used to communicate that a venue participates in the Ask for Angela scheme.

toolkit image problem

Tool Components


Demandez Angela Commitment charter


Demandez Angela Delivery Manual

guiding the City of Nice in delivering the scheme


Demandez Angela Training Manual

for managers and team members of venues


Demandez Angela Training presentation

for managers and team members of venues


Demandez Angela Sticker


Demandez Angela Reflex information sheet

outlining the six steps to follow if a staff member is approached by a person in distress


Demandez Angela Poster


Demandez Angela Social media visuals


Communication goodies

This tool is for:

The Local Security and Crime Prevention Council

The City of Nice Crime Prevention Department

The Communications Department

The Municipal Police Department

The Project manager that will deploy, coordinate and manage the tool

Local business who have received the Demandez Angela training

Anyone who uses the code Demandez Angela when feeling insecure