Preventing local discriminatory violence: community initiatives
The fifth and final instalment of the IcARUS web conference series, held online on 21 September, focused on the local prevention of discriminatory violence.
Representatives from the project’s partner cities (Rotterdam, Lisbon, Nice, Stuttgart, Riga and Turin), along with 30 other participants from various European local authorities and research institutions, discussed their prevention practices and tools with the Director of Belgium’s International Centre for Equal Opportunities (Unia), Patrick Charlier.
The City of Rotterdam presented its Spaanse Polder Café scheme, whereby locals can meet with local police and authorities to discuss issues linked to organised crime.
The City of Rotterdam representative asked Patrick Charlier for advice on how to address negative reactions stemming from differences between groups, and asked for examples of approaches that help foster collaboration among diverse groups.
Patrick Charlier mentioned the Le Choix Égalité tool, which is based on examples in education, police and the justice system from Flanders and Wallonia, The tool is available in French, Dutch and German (but not English).
He also mentioned that research shows that contact improves knowledge and tolerance between diverse groups. A prior study from Unia on LGBT issues revealed that exposure to different nationalities fosters greater tolerance towards the LGBT community.
Another issue discussed during the web conference is how to prevent profiling and biases among police forces.
Patrick Charlier mentioned a year-long research-action project during which a researcher was embedded with the Brussels police to detect and examine ethnic profiling and bias. Based on this study, Unia drew up a series of recommendations, including:
- Acknowledge that ethnic profiling happens
- Facilitate the reporting of issues
- Encourage police to be open about their actions so they can better connect with the public
- Stress the importance for police to explain their daily work to avoid misunderstandings
- Urge management to take action against wrongdoing without overlooking it to prevent a culture of acceptance
- Emphasise that review services are not just for control but also for providing help and support.
Relevant links related to this topic (in French only):
- Les pratiques de sélectivité policière à la loupe
- Comment mieux aider les victimes de délits de haine à se reconstruire: témoignages de victimes sur ce qui les a aidées ou freinées dans leur parcours de reconstruction
More information
To revisit the previous four sessions held this year, see below:
- Session 1 – How to integrate gender into urban security policies? Read full article HERE
- Session 2 – How can the Design Thinking methodology contribute to a more strategic approach to urban security? Read full article HERE
- Session 3- How can citizens be mobilised to contribute to safe public spaces? Read full article HERE
- Session 4- To what extent is restorative justice effective in juvenile delinquency cases? Read full article HERE

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