IcaRUS Webinars Session 3- How can citizens be mobilised to contribute to safe public spaces?
During this session, representatives of the partner cities of the project (Rotterdam, Lisbon, Nice, Stuttgart, Riga and Torino) will share their case-study and exchange with the experts
Thierry Charlois, Night Policy Project Manager, Paris City Council and Laetitia Wolff, Design
Impact Consultant, Besign, The Sustainable Design School, on the following questions:
- What tools can facilitate citizen participation in the security and liveability of public spaces?
- What are examples of successful citizen engagement in maintaining public spaces safe and inclusive?
- How can local authorities promote and empower citizen initiatives without jeopardising the role of law enforcement or other security actors?
- What criteria are needed to sustain citizen engagement over time (political, economic, communications…)?
The 3d session of IcARUS web conferences “How can citizens be mobilised to contribute to safe public spaces?” will take place on March 23, 2023 at 2PM (CET)

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