D2.1 The Changing Face of Urban Security Research

A Review of Accumulated Learning

Authors: Adam Crawford, Susan Donkin & Christine A. Weirich

The Full Review is intended to provide an overview and analysis of the accumulated knowledge developed through research over the last thirty years of urban security. Particular emphasis is accorded to the four IcARUS focus areas: (1)preventing juvenile delinquency; (2) preventing radicalisation leading to violent extremism; (3) preventing and reducing trafficking and organised crime; and (4) designing and managing safe public spaces.

In addition, specific attention and consideration is given to four cross-cutting themes that animate the IcARUS project: (1) governance and diversification of actors; (2) technological change; (3) gender; and (4) transnational and cross-border issues.

D2.1 Key findings – The Changing Face of Urban Security Research

An Excecutive summary of the Review of Accumulated Learning

Authors: Adam Crawford, Susan Donkin & Christine A. Weirich

The Key Findings provide a summarised overview and analysis of the accumulated knowledge developed through research over the last thirty years of urban security. This document is based on the D2.1 Full Report

Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency: relevant international regulations and an example of a national regulation – Factsheet #2

This factsheet is based on research conducted for the IcARUS report “Legal adjustment report of IcARUS to the relevant international and national regulations”.

Design Thinking Methodology in the context of the IcARUS Project -Factsheet #1

This factsheet is based on research conducted for the IcARUS reports “Methodology for the adoption of DT in urban security & crime prevention initiatives” and “Guidelines to the DT implementation in IcARUS tasks”.

D1.3 Results from Cross-Training Task

This report presents the results from the cross-training task in Design Thinking Methodology. It constitutes the output of the training sessions that were carried out in order to familiarise the consortium partners with the Design Thinking methodology and gain practical experience on how to implement Design Thinking.

D7.2 Risk Management and Quality Assurance Plan

This report aims at establishing a consistent set of internal working procedures, processes and best practice guidelines and set quality standards for the project outcomes (Quality Assurance Plan). It also aims to identify and anticipate risks that may arise in the implementation of the project as well as specify risk management procedures and responsibilities (Risk Management Plan).

D7.1 Project Management Guide

This report aims at establishing guidelines on the general and financial management of the project.

D5.3 Creation of the project’s webpage and social networks

This report refers to IcARUS’ webpage and social networks.

D5.2 Strategic Dissemination and Communication plan

The objective of this report is to provide a detailed overview on the dissemination and communication strategy that will be implemented during the IcARUS project.

D5.1 Visual Identity

This report presents the visual identity of the IcARUS project, which will be used for all forms of communication and promotional purposes.