Category: Public Results
D6.2 Publication of the code of ethics and good scientific practices in IcARUS
Publication of the code of ethics and good scientific practices in IcARUS

D6.1 Legal adjustment report of IcARUS to the relevant international and national regulations
Legal adjustment report of IcARUS to the relevant international and national regulations

D5.5 Communications and Dissemination Report 1
Communications and Dissemination Report 1

D5.4 Strategic Dissemination and Communication plan V2
Strategic Dissemination and Communication plan V2

D3.2 Talking strategy: a report to reflect and strengthen crime prevention approaches and urban security policies
The deliverable translates the theoretical principles of the IcARUS roadmap (WP2) into a practical format that allows the cities to check, reflect and strengthen their crime prevention approaches and urban security policies

D3.1 Report of the results of the cross-analysis exercise
Report of the results of the cross-analysis exercise

D2.4 Roadmap of tools that need to be improved and the parameters to be taken into account for defining the tools
Roadmap of tools that need to be improved and the parameters to be taken into account for defining the tools

D2.3 Report describing the results from the workshops for assessing requirements
Report describing the results from the workshops for assessing requirements

D2.2 Report describing the inventory of practices, tools and lessons learnt
Report describing the inventory of practices, tools and lessons learnt

D2.1 Report describing the state-of-the-art and cross analysis of the priority areas
Report describing the state-of-the-art and cross analysis of the priority areas

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