The City of Turin Local Police is a law enforcement agency which performs police tasks, as national police forces (i.e Carabinieri, Polizia di Stato, etc.), with a defined limit to Turin’s geographical area. With over 1,800 operating staff, Turin’s Local Police ensures compliance with the dictated laws and regulations, such as for instance, prevention and investigation of crimes, urban security, road traffic monitoring, etc. The Digital Technology Investigations Dept. (known as the “Reparto Investigazioni Tecnologiche” – R.I.T.) is one fundamental subdivision within the Local Police body primarily tasked with the conduction of complex digital investigations, aimed at enhancing the prevention and prosecution framework of criminal offences and other unlawful acts. RIT is headed by Chief Commissioner Gianfranco Todesco and composed of three Deputy Commissioners in addition to ten analysts and administrative personnel. The Unit also incorporates the City’s Big Data Analysis Lab (B.D.A), the Drones Unit as well as four specialized laboratories as such: Digital Forensics Lab, Video Analytics and Biometric Lab, Data Intelligence Lab and Documental Analysis Lab. RIT focuses as well on the strengthening of security and safety policies, unpacking emerging urban phenomena and managing crowd-exhaustive events.
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