Newsletter #9 | Urban Security Updates

December 13, 2023

Check out the 9th Newsletter for the most recent updates on the IcARUS project:

  • Dive into the IcARUS video series “IcARUS Tools in a Flash: City Interviews”
  • Catch up on the IcARUS project’s participation in the Security Research Event 2023.
  • Explore the outcomes of the fifth and final session in the IcARUS web conference series, focusing on preventing discriminatory violence.

And there’s more to discover!


Preventing local discriminatory violence: community initiatives

The fifth and final instalment of the IcARUS web conference series, held online on 21 September, focused on the local prevention of discriminatory violence.  

Representatives from the project’s partner cities (Rotterdam, Lisbon, Nice, Stuttgart, Riga and Turin), along with 30 other participants from various European local authorities and research institutions, discussed  their prevention practices and tools with the Director of Belgium’s International Centre for Equal Opportunities (Unia), Patrick Charlier.  

The City of Rotterdam presented its  Spaanse Polder Café scheme, whereby locals can meet with local police and authorities to discuss issues linked to organised crime. 

The City of Rotterdam representative asked Patrick Charlier for advice on how to address negative reactions stemming from differences between groups, and asked for examples of approaches that help foster collaboration among diverse groups.

Patrick Charlier mentioned the Le Choix Égalité  tool, which is based on examples in education, police and the justice system from Flanders and Wallonia,  The tool is available in French, Dutch and German (but not English).

He also mentioned that research shows that contact improves knowledge and tolerance between diverse groups. A prior study from Unia on LGBT issues revealed that exposure to different nationalities fosters greater tolerance towards the LGBT community.

Another issue discussed during the web conference is how to prevent profiling and biases among police forces. 

Patrick Charlier mentioned a year-long research-action project during which a researcher was embedded with the Brussels police to detect and examine ethnic profiling and bias. Based on this study, Unia drew up a series of recommendations, including: 

  • Acknowledge that ethnic profiling happens
  • Facilitate the reporting of issues 
  • Encourage police to be open about their actions so they can better  connect with the public
  • Stress the importance for police to explain  their daily work to avoid misunderstandings
  • Urge management to take action against wrongdoing without overlooking it to prevent a culture of acceptance
  • Emphasise that review services are not just for control but also for providing help and support.

Relevant links related to this topic (in French only):

More information

To revisit the previous four sessions held this year, see below: 

  • Session 1 – How to integrate gender into urban security policies? Read full article HERE
  • Session 2 – How can the Design Thinking methodology contribute to a more strategic approach to urban security? Read full article HERE
  • Session 3- How can citizens be mobilised to contribute to safe public spaces? Read full article HERE
  • Session 4- To what extent is restorative justice effective in juvenile delinquency cases? Read full article HERE

Design Thinking proves to be a good methodology for public policy

IcARUS has been in motion for over three years now. During this time, our six partner cities have gotten accustomed to the ins-and-out of the Design Thinking methodology. Now the time has come for real-life testing through the schemes developed by these cities through IcARUS, and for the team to observe and report on how the methodology is being implemented.

The IcARUS project is led by the Design Thinking approach: a problem-solving methodology that prioritises a user-centric approach to innovation. Specifically, it involves empathising with end-users and on this basis defining problems, ideating solutions and prototyping and testing them. The IcARUS project six partner cities – Lisbon, Nice, Riga, Rotterdam, Stuttgart and Turin – have been using the methodology to design and implement schemes that tackle a security issue they deem a priority.

A good match for public administrations
In the development of IcARUS, it became evident that Design Thinking needed to be adapted rather than just adopted. The dynamic framework that this approach embodies matches with the iterative nature of public administration, making it the ideal methodology to ensure that unique contextual factors are taken into account. Anticipating and accommodating local stakeholders’ attitude towards innovative solutions allows for a better approach to defining their roles as well as the problem at hand and the project’s life cycle, too. Adapting the methodology means setting a strong organisational foundation that foresees leadership changes as well as strengths and weaknesses within the team. Indeed, given that Design Thinking focuses upon collaboration and the co-creation of ideas, it is essential to tailor the methodology to the contexts, needs and culture of the stakeholders involved.

Validation workshops
Validation workshops are one of the activities that have underscored the importance of adapting Design Thinking rather than copy-pasting the approach from a textbook. In the project, they have been relevant to fine-tuning Design Thinking principles and how they are applied in the real world. In this way, we have been able to observe instances in which Design Thinking ought to be further adapted and we are devising recommendations accordingly. Methodology adaptations in IcARUS encompass contexts, communication, structure of workshops, timelines and many more aspects.

Emphasising the integration of Design Thinking within IcARUS enhances the practicality and relevance of this framework in the realm of public administration, offering a fresh and innovative outlook. IcARUS’s ongoing efforts showcase the tangible application of the Design Thinking methodology in real-world scenarios, providing a concrete model for others to follow. Crucially, it illustrates that projects and their teams can uphold their vision while effectively navigating the practical aspects of the Design Thinking process and its objectives.

Social Acceptability in IcARUS – Plus Ethics at the first Congress of Students of Criminology

In the quest for safer communities, crime prevention programmes are pivotal in shaping strategy and policy. However, assessing their impact extends beyond crime statistics. Plus Ethics, a non-profit devoted to ethical outcomes and positive societal impact, explores social acceptability in crime prevention and will publish later this year a report on emerging ethical challenges.

Expected and unexpected impacts of crime prevention programmes

Plus Ethics acknowledges the need to evaluate crime prevention programmes for optimal resource allocation and decision-making. Research indicates that some programmes may inadvertently heighten insecurity, especially with police interaction or neighbourhood watch schemes. Anticipating potential unintended impacts through evaluations is crucial. Resource allocation for crime control, particularly in an incrementalist model, must be fully justified, integrating all values into programme design and outcomes pursuit.

The literature on ‘societal impact assessment’ began to grow about 20 years ago, and since 2021, Horizon Europe has been emphasising the importance of ‘ensuring ethical outcomes that are supported by society’ in security research.

An empirical study under way
Responsible research, as underscored by the European Commission, is linked to citizen engagement. The legitimacy, acceptability and desirability of policies are defined by citizens. Recognising this, Plus Ethics is planning an empirical study in the first half of 2024, using the nominal group technique to gather scientific evidence from the IcARUS project’s six partner cities. The objective is to identify emerging moral needs and assess the acceptability and social impact of the tools and methodologies developed in IcARUS.

This initiative responds to the broader call for increased social acceptability in security research and technology. Security research and policy often lack transparency, exclude stakeholders and breed public mistrust. Involving stakeholders in assessing policy acceptability and identifying risks, challenges, and solutions is vital for maximising positive social impacts.

Plus Ethics presents IcARUS at the Congress of Criminology Students in Elche

The first Congress of Criminology Students held at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (Spain) on 28 November provided a platform for Plus Ethics to present the IcARUS project, in which it is a partner. The presentation detailed completed work and future plans for criminological and social science research within the project.
IcARUS aims to redefine ethical considerations in crime prevention, aligning with a global shift towards a comprehensive approach using social sciences for a holistic understanding of societal change.

In conclusion, Plus Ethics leads in shaping ethical and socially acceptable crime prevention programs. As IcARUS unfolds, the organisation maintains transparency, accountability, and community engagement in all its undertakings. Its commitment extends beyond reducing crime to building trust, ensuring fair treatment and maximising positive social impact.
In the evolving crime prevention landscape, Plus Ethics exemplifies the paradigm shift towards responsible research and innovation for a safer and more inclusive society.